Body Lift Case #6047

Body Lift Surgery Before and After Pictures- Body Contouring after Major Weight loss- Case 81 These are body lift before and after pictures of a 45 years old Caucasian woman from Bakersfield whohad previously undergone gastric bypass surgery, followed by a tummy tuck. She was extremely unhappy with the result of her tummy tuck, notably the “dog ear” deformity and loose skin that she hadon her flanks. She wanted to have a revision tummy tuck. During her cosmetic surgery consultation for a tummy tuck, Dr. Younai pointed out to her that the reason for her complication with tummy tuck was that she had too much excess skin folds over her back and flanks, which could not be removed with a tummy tuck. To correct her abdominoplasty complication, Dr. Younai recommended that she undergo a body lift. He also showed her many before and after pictures after body lift surgery and noted the circumferential scar. in order to revise her tummy tuck. she underwent a body lift surgery at Regency Surgery Center in Encino by Board Certified plastic Surgeon- Dr. Sean Younai. Her body contouring surgery took about five hours and she was able to recover well at home afterwards. She was able to return to her job as a teacher in three weeks, and she now feels that her cloths fit and feel much better on her.
- Patient #: 6047
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 41 - 50
- Procedure: Body Lift