Breast Augmentation

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Breast Augmentation Dr. Sean Younai   Beverly Hills or West Hollywood

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that increases the size of a woman’s breasts and enhances their shape with implants. It is commonly requested when a woman has breasts that are too small for her figure, or if she lost breast volume due to weight loss, pregnancy, or the natural aging process.

Dr. Sean Younai is a board-certified surgeon who performs breast augmentation to correct a wide range of cosmetic issues for his discerning patients – including adding volume to small breasts, restoring balance to asymmetrical breasts, and creating a more voluptuous and feminine profile. In addition, due to his skill as a surgeon, Dr. Younai can place the implants in such a way that they look and feel extremely natural – never overdone.

Contact our office or call our Beverly Hills or West Hollywood locations at (310) 275-1971.

Before and After Photos

About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an effective way to enhance your curves and natural beauty for your preferred look. (1) Surgeons performed the popular procedure more than 300,000 times in 2023 to help women achieve fuller, rounder breasts and a younger silhouette. (2) Dr. Younai can increase the size of your breasts with silicone or saline implants.

Undergoing a procedure to enhance your breasts is no small feat. That is why it is important to select a specialist you can trust for your breast augmentation – preferably a board-certified plastic surgeon with a proven track record helping women achieve their ideal bodies. With years of experience, countless successful procedures, and a reputation for delivering among the best breast augmentation Los Angeles has available, few surgeons are more qualified than Dr. Younai to create feminine and voluptuous breasts that dramatically improve your overall appearance.

Breast Augmentation and Mommy Makeover

One of the fastest-growing trends among women who have completed childbearing is a combination of procedures known as the mommy makeover. A mommy makeover is a collection of procedures designed to restore a youthful silhouette. While the procedures are designed to meet the needs of each patient, breast augmentation with or without a breast lift is a key part of the plan. Breast augmentation is the foundation of this rejuvenation strategy since the vast majority of post-pregnancy women are unhappy with drooping breasts that have lost volume and firmness.

Dr. Younai can perform breast augmentation in conjunction with other procedures such as a tummy tuck and liposuction. This reduces recovery time and the risks of surgery since two or more procedures can be completed at the same time. Dr. Younai achieves some of the most natural breast augmentation available by ensuring the size and shape of the breasts are in harmony with the rest of the body. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts often appear to be lower on the chest and can appear deflated. Breast augmentation with or without a breast lift can restore feminine beauty and balance, which naturally boosts self-confidence.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

After breast augmentation, patients can enjoy:

  • A curvier silhouette: We can reshape the breasts for a rounder look and help you achieve a fuller, smoother body.
  • Fuller, more voluptuous breasts: We can increase the size of your breasts for your preferred volume.
  • Improved symmetry: If you have asymmetrical breasts we can balance them for an even look.
  • Balanced body proportions: If your breasts are smaller than you would like, we can increase their size in proportion to your other features based on your height and body weight.
  • Enhanced quality of life: (3) You can feel more comfortable and confident after achieving the breast size and shape you desire.

Breast Augmentation Candidates & Consultation

To get started, Dr. Younai invites you to come into the office for a private consultation, at which point you will discuss your cosmetic goals and concerns, and he will create a custom surgical plan designed to sculpt the ideal breasts you desire. As with all of his cosmetic procedures, Dr. Younai determines candidacy for breast augmentation on an individual basis, following a full physical examination and a thorough discussion of your cosmetic needs, and goals.

With that said, an ideal candidate is generally a non-smoking woman who is at a healthy weight and has realistic expectations of what the procedure can accomplish. In addition, you should not have any cancerous or precancerous tissues in your breasts, and you should not currently be pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients can discuss whether or not they are happy with the volume of their breasts. If they are, breast implants are unnecessary as a breast lift alone will achieve the goal of higher and firmer breasts.

How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation

To prepare for breast augmentation, you will need to:

  • Stop taking medications and supplements that thin your blood
  • Cease smoking 6 weeks before and after your procedure
  • Stop drinking 24 hours before and after your procedure

We also recommend that you plan your meals ahead of time, schedule time off work, and create a comfortable place in your home to recover. You will need someone to take you home and care for you for the first 24-48 hours after your procedure.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast Augmentation Dr. Sean Younai   Beverly Hills or West Hollywood

To begin your breast augmentation, your anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the surgery. The surgical team will cleanse your skin and mark it for surgery. Dr. Younai will make careful incisions along the crease of your breasts to place the implants and increase their size.

Incision Types

He will then make a precise incision, either in the crease of the breast (inframammary), the armpit (transaxillary), the navel (transumbilical or TUBA), or around the areola (periareolar). The placement of your incision is one of the most important aspects of your procedure, as it will determine how your scars heal. As such, you and Dr. Younai will decide together which incision is best, based on your wishes and his expertise regarding which option will appear the most discreet on your unique body.

Implant Location

After he makes the incision, Dr. Younai will place your breast implants. There are two options for the placement of the implants, and you and Dr. Younai will make this decision together as well.

  • The first option is the subglandular breast implant placement, which will position the implant in front of the pectoral muscle and behind the breast tissue.
  • The second option is a submuscular breast implant placement, which will position the implant under the pectoral muscle. After the implant has been placed, Dr. Younai will carefully suture the incision to minimize any scarring.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

During your recovery period, you will need a friend or family member to stay with you during the first few days, for your comfort and safety. Immediately after your breast augmentation, you may experience some pain, discoloration, redness, and swelling in the area. Dr. Younai can prescribe pain medication for your comfort. Your breasts may feel tight and sensitive to the touch, and you may find it difficult to raise your arms.

It is important to note that side effects are temporary and are usually the most severe during the first two days. Most patients will feel well enough to return to work within one week, as long as their jobs are not physically demanding. In terms of activity, it is important to begin walking around immediately after surgery to stimulate the healing process and prevent any complications. For the first two weeks after surgery, you should minimize physical activity other than walking and refrain from lifting, bending, straining, or doing anything else that causes discomfort to your breasts and upper body. During your post-operative appointments, Dr. Younai will offer specific guidance on when you can resume more strenuous physical activities.

Breast Augmentation Results

The beautiful results of your breast augmentation will be visible immediately and continue to improve as you progress through the healing process. After breast augmentation, you can enjoy fuller, beautiful breasts and a curvier body. If you eat healthy meals, exercise regularly, and take good care of your body, your results can last several years. Over time, your incisions will also fade into your skin for a more natural result.

Cost of Breast Augmentation in Beverly Hills

The cost of your breast augmentation will depend on the type of procedure you have and whether or not you would like to combine the procedure with a mommy makeover or other body contouring treatments. Do not wait to schedule your consultation and start making progress toward your body goals. In addition to his Beverly Hills office, Dr. Younai performs breast augmentation in Bakersfield and Encino, allowing patients from all over a convenient location to undergo their procedure. Contact our office or call (310) 275-1971 to schedule a consultation in Beverly Hills or West Hollywood.


Can I breastfeed after a breast augmentation?

Yes, after a breast augmentation, you can breastfeed. We can discuss your body goals and family planning during your consultation.

Can a breast augmentation lift my breasts?

No, a breast augmentation will not lift your breasts, but it will increase their size. If you have droopy breasts, we can combine the procedure with a breast lift to help you achieve a perkier, younger-looking silhouette.

Does breast augmentation affect the results of mammograms?

No, a breast augmentation will not affect mammogram results. If you have further questions, we can discuss them during your consultation.

Will I need more than one breast augmentation to achieve results?

Unless you experience weight changes that affect the size of your breasts, you should only need one procedure to achieve your desired results.


  1. Ramachandran K. Breast augmentation. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery : Official Publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India. 2008;41(Suppl):S41-S47.
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Endorsed Partner.
  3. Bari B, Noorizadeh H. The effect of breast augmentation surgery on quality of life, satisfaction, and marital life in married women using BREAST-Q as a validation tool. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2020;9(2):711. doi: