Tuberous Breast Correction

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Tuberous breast correction is a surgical procedure designed to treat breast hypoplasia, a condition characterized by underdeveloped, abnormal breast tissue. Tuberous breasts are not a cause for medical concern, but many women who have them are displeased with their appearance. Here are some signs you may have tuberous breasts: 

  • Narrow breast tissue that points downward 
  • Lack of roundness and fullness
  • Enlarged areolas 
  • Higher than normal breast crease 
  • Asymmetry between the two breasts

Luckily, women with this condition have a few surgical options to restore more voluminous, symmetrical, and shapely breasts. If you’re looking to feel more attractive and more confident in your body, Dr. Sean Younai performs a wide variety of breast augmentation procedures to revise tuberous breasts. As a top surgeon with locations in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills and over 25 years of experience, Dr. Younai has accumulated both the medical expertise and artistic eye for creating amazing breasts according to each patient. To see what customized plan Dr. Younai may have for you, call (310) 275-1971 or request a virtual consultation using this form

About Tuberous Breasts

Most researchers and doctors believe that tuberous breasts develop congenitally, meaning that it’s the result of genetics or a problem with another factor that affects breast gland development in the womb. While the condition becomes apparent during puberty, what causes the malformation is still unclear.

 One theory states that with tuberous breasts, a connective layer known as the superficial fascia develops abnormally. Once hormones begin to signal breast enlargement, the breast grows outward narrowly, rather than rounder and fuller. Another theory states that fibrous bands result in tissue constriction near the base of the breast and cause this type of appearance. (1)  Surprisingly, the condition doesn’t affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed, but many women want their breasts to appear normal and appealing to look at, flattering the rest of their body. 

A tuberous breast correction procedure may involve breast augmentation with implants to correct asymmetry. Or in some cases, a mastopexy, or breast lift, may be indicated. Dr. Younai will work with you to determine which treatment type is most suitable for your individual needs.

Benefits of Tuberous Breast Correction

With a tuberous breast correction procedure, you will no longer feel the need to hide your body from perceived judgment or embarrassment. Instead, you can enjoy these pros of corrective surgery: 

  • Rounder, fuller breasts 
  • Smaller nipples that suit your body
  • Nipples that point outward instead of downward
  • More symmetry and harmony between the breasts 
  • Breasts that lie at the perfect height- not too high or too low 
  • More comfort and confidence in various bathing suits, tops, and bras 

Personal Consultation 

By scheduling a personal consultation with Dr. Younai, he can evaluate your breasts and listen to your unique aesthetic goals and expectations. He will determine which procedures will work best for you and how to best proceed with preparation. By calling (310) 275-1971 to set up an in-person meeting or booking a virtual consultation, Dr. Younai will be able to answer all of your questions and concerns. 


Regardless of the procedure that you opt for, the preparation process for breast augmentation is roughly the same. Dr. Younai may require blood tests and a review of your current medications and supplements in order to make any necessary adjustments. He requires every patient to stop taking anti-inflammatories and blood thinners to prevent excessive bleeding during surgery or bruising during recovery. If you are a smoker, you will have to quit at least 4 to 6 weeks before your appointment. You should also arrange to take approximately one week off from work, pick up any prescriptions beforehand, and fast the night before. 

Tuberous Breast Procedure Options 

As with any cosmetic modification, you will have agency as to what you want out of your procedure. Dr. Younai will guide you through recommendations that will get you the results you’re looking for. 

Breast Lift

A breast lift, also called a mastopexy, is usually a necessary part of tuberous breast correction since breast hypoplasia is often characterized by downward pointing breasts. After general anesthesia is administered, Dr. Younai will make an incision on the bottom edge of the areola. With just this incision, he will be able to provide necessary lift to the breast tissue. While a breast lift doesn’t fix the volume issue of tuberous breasts, it reforms its shape and corrects sagging. 

Breast Implants 

Dr. Younai offers many types of implants to choose from, depending on what the patient’s desired outcome is; each has their own advantages. Breast implants are categorized according to these characteristics:

  • Saline or silicone 
  • Textured or smooth 
  • Round or teardrop-shaped

Implants also come in various sizes and projections to produce highly customizable results that suit patients’ own unique body shapes. To insert the implants, Dr. Younai will choose between these types of incisions: periareolar (around the areola), inframammary (underside of the breast), or transaxillary (from the armpits to the breast). In addition, you will also discuss with Dr. Younai on whether the implant will be placed under the pectoral muscles (subpectoral) or over them (prepectoral), Typically, for slimmer women, the subpectoral placement can provide a smoother, more natural look, while prepectoral placement is often recommended for women undergoing a breast lift as well. Regardless of the placement, both have been proven to give excellent results to women who have been evaluated thoroughly pre-operation. (2)

A popular choice of implant are called “gummy bear” implants, which use a revolutionary type of silicone that has unmatched durability. Its high cohesive silicone has been shown to stay perfectly in place even through trauma and rupture. Women with gummy bear implants are often impressed with their natural-looking shape and feel. Recent studies have revealed that gummy bear implants have reduced rates of complications when compared with other types of implants. (3)

Fat Grafting 

Fat grafting is an all-natural approach to breast enhancement. With liposuction techniques, your own fat deposits are harvested and transferred into the breasts. With this method, Dr. Younai will make an incision of only a few millimeters at a donor site such as the abdomen or another area of adequate fat. Next, he will inject tumescent fluid made of lidocaine to numb the area and epinephrine to safely separate the fat tissue from surrounding structures. He will then use a thin instrument called a cannula to harvest the fat through suction. On average, about 4 to 9 tablespoons (55 to 134 ml) are harvested for each breast in a fat grafting procedure. (4)  Dr. Younai will purify the fat in a device called a centrifuge before reinjecting it into the breasts. Fat grafting is incredibly popular because it utilizes your own tissue and doesn’t require sutures. 


We recommend that patients receive assistance with daily tasks for the first few days of their recovery. Dr. Younai will prescribe medications and recommend safe over the counter medications to aid your comfort. The first week is a critical time that requires you to get enough rest, with some breaks for light walking to promote faster healing. 

After one week, most patients are able to return to work, given that they wear a compression bra for the next 2 to 4 weeks. If fat grafting was performed, a compression garment for the site of liposuction should be worn as well. These garments are designed to reduce swelling and provide smooth, even contours. Depending on your individual rate of healing, you will be able to resume your regular workout schedule and routine within 4 to 8 weeks. 

Cost of Tuberous Breast Correction in Los Angeles

The cost of your tuberous breast correction is largely dependent on whether you receive a breast lift, fat grafting procedure, breast implants, or a combination of two procedures. With a thorough personal consultation, Dr. Younai can advise you on which procedure/s to consider, and he will provide you with an estimate.

Find relief from embarrassment and get help for tuberous breasts. Call (310) 275-1971 or fill out a form for further assistance with your inquiry.


Will tuberous breast correction leave scars?

Depending on the procedure you receive to correct your tuberous breasts, you may or may not have lasting scars. Receiving breast implants or a breast lift may leave scars, but they can fade significantly with proper skincare and time. Following aftercare instructions diligently, consuming a diet high in protein, and utilizing scar cream and/or silicone gel sheets can help fade your scars. 

What is the best procedure for treating tuberous breasts?

Any breast augmentation performed by a skill surgeon can give excellent results; the choice is up to the patient and their preferences. Breast implants are suitable for women who prioritize symmetry. Implants are also ideal for those who want a very specific size. Fat grafting is a great choice for women who want a very natural feel with no follow-up procedures. Breast lifts are almost always performed for women who want to correct moderate to severe tuberous breasts. 

When will I see the results of my tuberous breast correction procedure? 

When implants are placed, they take about 3 months to fully adapt to your body and drop down to provide a more natural contour. By 3 to 4 months, you will notice the final result of your breast lift- roughly the amount of time it takes for swelling to go down. Fat grafting typically takes the same amount of time. 


  1. Aggarwal S, Niranjan NS. Tuberous breast deformity: A modified technique for single-stage correction. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2016;49(02):166-171. doi: 
  2. Salibian AA, Frey JD, Karp NS. Strategies and considerations in selecting between subpectoral and prepectoral breast reconstruction. Gland Surgery. 2019;8(1):11-18. doi:
  3. Shridharani SM, Bellamy JL, Mofid MM, Singh NK. Breast Augmentation. Eplasty. 2013;13:ic46. 
  4. Salibian AA, Frey JD, Bekisz JM, Choi M, Karp NS. Fat Grafting and Breast Augmentation: A Systematic Review of Primary Composite Augmentation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2019;7(7). doi: