Breast Augmentation Case #6308

You can review before and after breast augmentation pictures of a 25 years old Middle Eastern woman from Santa Monica who underwent breast augmentation with Moderate Profile Mentor Saline breast implants through the areola. This young woman went from size 34 A- cup breasts to C-D with a 420 cc saline breast implant. During her consultation at the California Center for plastic surgery, she learned her options for different type and size breast implants, including the pros and cons of saline and silicone breast implants. She also learned about different approaches and techniques of breast augmentation, including use of peri-areolar, axillary, and sub-mammary incisions. She also earned about the possible risks and complications of breast implant surgery. After receiving ample instructions and getting prepared for breast augmentation she underwent breast enlargement surgery at Regency Surgery Center by Dr. Younai.After recovering from breast augmentation, she is very pleased with her over all experience and her new figure.
- Patient #: 6308
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Breast Augmentation