Breast Augmentation Case #6367

These are before and after Breast Augmentation Pictures of a 32 years old Asian woman from San Francisco, California. She desired Breast enlargement surgery to increase her bra cup size from A to full C. She consulted with several plastic surgeons in the Northern California area and was very happy with what Dr. Younai recommended for her Breast Implant Surgery. Since she was an out of town patient she consulted with Board Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sean Younai via email. She felt that’s her consultation was very informative and she connected with Dr. Younai and his staff. During her in person consultation she reviewed before and after pictures of patients who have had breast augmentation with similar results as she wanted. She decided to get 375 cc round smooth high profile mentor saline implants. Her breast implants were placed under the muscle (submuscular implant placement) with a Peri-areola incision. Breast Implants that are placed under the muscle are more natural looking breast implants, have less chances of showing any rippling and also are more likely to indication clear mammogram readings. Her recovery was easy and she felt the expected post-operative pain, swelling and sensitivity after breast enhancement surgery which only lasted for a few days. This patient was very happy with the outcome of her surgery and flew back to San Francisco about 5 days after her breast augmentation procedure.
- Patient #: 6367
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Asian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Breast Augmentation