Liposuction Abdomen Medium Case #5548

This caucasian women is a 27 years old personal trainer who despite daily exercises and being extremely fit could not get rid off the “stubborn love handles and the lower gut”. Prior to plastic surgery with Dr. Younai she had seen several plastic surgeons in Los Angeles who specialized in liposuction. She finally decided to have liposuction of abdomen, flanks, and lower back in order to get rid of her love handles.Her liposuction before and after pictures were taken about 3 months after surgery and show a dramatic improvement in her waistline, and lower abdominal firmness and flatness.Patient was able to recover rather quickly and return to personal training within ten days after liposuction. We believe that early return to exercise helped her to get a better result as a result of more skin tightening.As far as her liposuction results you can tell for yourself by looking at her before and after liposuction pictures here. She says that she is very happy with the way her jeans fit and look on her.She has since returned to have breast augmentation by Dr. Younai at the California Center for Plastic Surgery.
- Patient #: 5548
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Liposuction Abdomen Medium