Liposuction of Buttocks Case #13687

This is a 28 years old Hispanic woman from Beverly Hills who says that due to her pregnancies she lost her butt! She was saddened by having developed a heavy tummy and losing her buttocks. She had been searching for a top buttock augmentation specialist in Beverly Hills to reshape her body and give her a fuller butt. During her Cosmetic surgery consultation with Dr. Younai she learned how Dr. Younai spends much time with 360 abdominal liposuction to create an hour-glass figure and to especially get the buttock dip! She also learned that Dr. Younai uses the micro-fat grafting technique to add large amounts of fat to her butt not only to make it bigger but to also contour and to shape it. As you can appreciate in her pictures, she now has a narrow waste, a flat tummy and a full and perky butt. She said that her recovery went well, and was extremely happy with the post-operative care that she received at the California Center for Plastic Surgery.
- Patient #: 13687
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Liposuction of Buttocks