Male Liposuction Abdomen Case #5609

Liposuction before and after pictures of a 35 years old Caucasian man who works a an engineer is shown here. He underwent liposuction by Dr. Younai at the California Center for Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles. A Tumescent liposuction technique was used under general anesthesia and his liposuction took about two hours. Patient recovered at Regency Surgery Center and went home the same day. His liposuction recovery course was as follows: He did gentle walking at home for the first two days. He started to take daily showers and massage the liposuctioned areas from the third day. He continued to wear his compression garment and do twice daily massages for the first six weeks and was able to do un-restricted exercise within a week after liposuction.His young man’s liposuction before and after pictures show great improvement of his abdominal definition within ten weeks after liposuction of abdomen, flanks, and lower back.Dr. Younai is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in liposuction for men and women. He has performed thousands of liposuction procedures with a variety of liposuction techniques depending on patient’s needs. Because of his exercises in male cosmetic surgery procedures such as liposuction, male breast reduction, and body contouring he routinely receives patients from Northern and Southern California.
- Patient #: 5609
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen