Male Liposuction Abdomen Case #5651

These are liposuction before and after pictures of a 52 years old male from Valencia who underwent liposuction of abdomen, flanks, chest, and lower back by Dr. Younai at California Center for Plastic Surgery. This middle age man wanted to be able to fit better in dress shirts and suits. His liposuction before and after pictures were taken about 10 weeks after liposuction and show flattening of his abdomen, with loss of his hanging gut.He underwent tumescent liposuction at Regency Surgery Center by Dr. Younai which took about two hours. Patient went home the same day and recovered for about a week before returning to work. He was able to return to his exercise routine in about two weeks. He was wearing a vest and abdominal binder for three weeks at all times and then part time for the second three weeks. His liposuction results shown in these pictures were taken about 3 months after his liposuction. Notice how much his loose abdominal skin shrank, and how much his abdomen flattened. Patient says that he can now wear any kind of fitted dress shirts without them being too tight or uncomfortable on him.
- Patient #: 5651
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 51 - 60
- Procedure: Male Liposuction Abdomen