Mommy Makeover Case #10400

Mommy makeover before and after pictures by liposuction specialist in Los Angeles Dr. Younai Tummy tucks and breast augmentation need not be separate procedures to get the body of your dreams. Mommy makeovers exist for just such an occasion. It’s not necessary to have undergone pregnancy to get one either! The great thing about a mommy makeover is that both a Breast Augmentation and a tummy tuck can be done at the same time and not extend the recovery period. Doing both separately would require double the recovery time instead of all at once. This is why Board-Certified plastic surgeon Dr. Younai is so good at what he does. His decades of experience lets him perform a liposuction, an abdominoplasty, and breast enhancement all at the same time. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone and the results are fantastic for this 35-year-old woman from Burbank CA.
- Patient #: 10400
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Mommy Makeover