Case #6263

These are before and after Plastic Surgery Pictures of a 37 years old Hispanic woman from Woodland Hills who had complained that after three pregnancies had developed empty sagging breasts. She consulted with Dr. Sean Younai who is a Board Certified plastic surgeon and who specializes in breast surgery. During her consultation, she tried on different size breast implants in order to find the implant size that gave her the best look and shape. Afterwards, she underwent breast augmentation or enlargement with Saline breast implants through the areola incision. She also had a minimal breast lift, utilizing the Crescent Lift technique. Patient went from the bra cup size A to C+. As you can appreciate on her breast lift pictures, she now has fuller breasts with a nice cleavage. Her 375 cc Mentor saline breast implants were filled to 420 ccs and were placed under the muscle, or in the sub-muscular plane, via a peri-areolar incision.
- Patient #: 6263
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Age: 36 - 40