Rhinoplasty - Caucasian Case #6196

Please review nose surgery before and after pictures of a 27 years old Caucasian woman from Encino who was unhappy with having a long and wide nose. During her facial plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Younai she reviewed many before and after nose surgery pictures of other women who had a similar nose to her. She also learned about differences between open and closed rhinoplasty. Dr. Younai who is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon described to her the recovery course after rhinoplasty, as well as possible limitations of rhinoplasty.Her nose surgery technique included reduction of nasal hump, lifting of nasal tip, shortening the nose, and narrowing of the nose via a closed rhinoplasty approach. She recovered well after outpatient nose surgery procedure at Regency Surgery Center. She was able to return to work in one week. She says that although she could see a significant improvement in her overall facial appearance, it really took about one year to see the final result of her nose surgery.
- Patient #: 6196
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Age: 26 - 30
- Procedure: Rhinoplasty - Caucasian