Male Rhinoplasty Case #6405

This is a 37 years old Hispanic male from Los Angeles who wanted to improve his facial appearance by reducing the size of his nose. He also had nasal airway blockage which made him snore at nights and to always wakeup in the middle of sleep. He underwent a closed rhinoplasty with septoplasty and turbinectomy by Dr. Younai in Encino, to reduce his nasal hump, straighten his nose, and to lift his drooping nasal tip. Correction of his nasal septal and bone deviation also opened his obstructed nasal airway.His before and after nose surgery photos show the refinements in the shape of his nose which now complements his entire facial appearance. After rhinoplasty, this person recovered very quickly and was able to return to work in one week.
- Patient #: 6405
- Gender: Male
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Male Rhinoplasty, Rhinoplasty - Hispanic