Rhinoplasty - Middle Eastern Case #6325

This is a 22 years old woman from Beverly Hills with Middle Eastern ethnicity who had rhinoplasty surgery in order to make her nose look softer and shapelier. She had a facial plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Younai. Her nasal examination showed that she had significant nasal airway blockage due to septal deviation and inferior turbinate hypertrophy. According to her this nasal obstruction had always bothered her at nights when she was only able to breathe through her mouth.She underwent nose surgery with a closed rhinoplasty technique, along with septoplasty and turbinectomy in order to alleviate her nasal obstruction. Her nose surgery involved reducing nasal bridge, raising nasal tip, and narrowing her nose in order to make her overall nose smaller and more balanced with the rest of her face.Her nose surgery recovery was fairly uneventful. With surgery she had nasal packing (tampons) which were removed in a day after nose surgery. She says that after her nose surgery she is now able to breathe well and sleep much more comfortably at nights.
- Patient #: 6325
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
- Age: 18 - 25
- Procedure: Rhinoplasty - Middle Eastern