African American Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Case #5940

These are before and after tummy tuck pictures of a 34 years old African American Woman from Sherman Oaks, CA. She was unhappy with the shape of her abdomen after giving birth. She had loose skin folds and dark unsightly stretch marks.Her goal was to get rid of her loose abdominal skin and achieve a curvaceous waist line. She did majority of her research online for the best tummy tuck plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. Prior to meeting board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Younai, she had researched the tummy tuck surgery extensively and visited other surgeons, but says she never was completely comfortable with any of them. She felt confidant with Dr. Younai and his broad experience in dealing with the sensitivities of dark skin, such as scarring, and hyper -pigmentation. In fact, she says the main reason she chose Dr. Younai was because of his experience with women of color, and the successful results of their procedures. She underwent a High Tension Tummy Tuck with Liposuction of love handles, lower and upper back. Her abdominoplasty recovery was as expected with 2 weeks of down time and about 6 weeks to return to working out. As you can see there is a significant improvement in the before and after tummy tuck picture. Dr. Younai was able to completely remove all her abdominal skin folds and restore her pre-pregnancy body. This patient was extremely happy with her High Tension Tummy Tuck results and says it was all well worth it. She recommends Dr, Younai and regency surgery center to anyone looking to change their life.
- Patient #: 5940
- Gender: Female
- Ethnicity: African-American
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: African American Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)